
There are 3 types of assocations available on Batman.Model: hasMany, belongsTo, and hasOne.

  • Batman.AssocationProxy

    Association accessors won't always return a Batman.Set. Generally they will return a Batman.AssocationProxy named after the association type, such as Batman.BelongsToAssociationProxy or Batman.HasManyAssociationProxy.

    Batman.AssociationProxy defines useful methods such as @load, @toJSON, @loadFromLocal. It also defines accessors such as %loaded and %target.

  • Shared Options

    All assocations have a common set of options, as well as specific options for each type of relationship.

    saveInline[= true] : boolean

    Whether we should save the child objects as part of the parent object's JSON

    autoload[= true] : boolean

    Whether we should load the child objects when loading the parent object.

    nestUrl[= false] : boolean

    Whether the child models are persisted beneath the parent model's url structure.

    name : string

    The name of the child model for the association. (eg. App.Product)

    inverseOf : string

    The foreign association to set on load.

    encoderKey : string

    The key to encode and decode the assocation into/from JSON.

    namespace[= Batman.currentApp] : string

    The location of the model definition for the association.

    polymorphic[= false] : boolean

    Whether the association is polymorphic.

  • @hasMany(label[, options])

    hasMany assocations are used for expressing one-to-many relationships on a Batman.Model.

    • label : string
    • options : Object
      • primaryKey : string
      • foreignKey : string
      • as : string
        • the parent association name on child objects in a polymorphic association
  • @hasOne(label[, options])

    hasOne associations are used for expressing one-to-one relationships on a Batman.Model.

    • label : string
    • options : Object
      • primaryKey : string
      • foreignKey : string
      • as : string
        • the parent association name on child objects in a polymorphic association
  • @belongsTo(label[, options])

    belongsTo associatons are used for expressing one-to-one child relationships on a Batman.Model.

    • label : string
    • options : Object
      • primaryKey : string
      • foreignKey : string
      • encodeForeignKey[= true] boolean
        • whether to encode the foreignKey value when persisting the model