
For a general explanation of Batman.Model and it works, see the guide.

Note: This documentation uses the term model to refer to the class Model or a Model subclass, and the term record to refer to one instance of a model.

  • @primaryKey : string

    primaryKey is a class level configuration option to change which key batman.js uses as the primary key. Change the option using set, like so:

    test 'primary key can be set using @set', ->
      class Shop extends Batman.Model
        @set 'primaryKey', 'shop_id'
      equal Shop.get('primaryKey'), 'shop_id'

    The primaryKey is what batman.js uses to compare instances to see if they represent the same domain-level object: if two records have the same value at the key specified by primaryKey, only one will be in the identity map. The key specified by primaryKey is also used by the associations system when determining if a record is related to another record, and by the remote storage adapters to generate URLs for records.

    Note: The default primaryKey is 'id'.

  • @storageKey : string

    storageKey is a class level option which gives the storage adapters something to interpolate into their specific key generation schemes. In the case of LocalStorage or SessionStorage adapters, the storageKey defines what namespace to store this record under in the localStorage or sessionStorage host objects, and with the case of the RestStorage family of adapters, the storageKey assists in URL generation. See the documentation for the storage adapter of your choice for more information.

    The default storageKey is null.

  • @persist(mechanism : StorageAdapter) : StorageAdapter

    @persist is how a Model subclass is told to persist itself by means of a StorageAdapter. @persist accepts either a StorageAdapter class or instance and will return either the instantiated class or the instance passed to it for further modification.

    test 'models can be told to persist via a storage adapter', ->
      class Shop extends Batman.Model
        @resourceName: 'shop'
        @persist TestStorageAdapter
      record = new Shop
      ok record.hasStorage()
    test '@persist returns the instantiated storage adapter', ->
      adapter = false
      class Shop extends Batman.Model
        @resourceName: 'shop'
        adapter = @persist TestStorageAdapter
      ok adapter instanceof Batman.StorageAdapter
    test '@persist accepts already instantiated storage adapters', ->
      adapter = new Batman.StorageAdapter
      adapter.someHandyConfigurationOption = true
      class Shop extends Batman.Model
        @resourceName: 'shop'
        @persist adapter
      record = new Shop
      ok record.hasStorage()
  • @encode(keys...[, encoderObject : [Object|Function]])

    @encode specifies a list of keys a model should expect from and send back to a storage adapter, and any transforms to apply to those attributes as they enter and exit the world of batman.js in the optional encoderObject.

    The encoderObject should have an encode and/or a decode key which point to functions. The functions accept the "raw" data (the batman.js land value in the case of encode, and the backend land value in the case of decode), and should return the data suitable for the other side of the link. The functions should have the following signatures:

    encoderObject = {
      encode: (value, key, builtJSON, record) ->
      decode: (value, key, incomingJSON, outgoingObject, record) ->

    By default these functions are the identity functions. They apply no transformation. The arguments for encode functions are as follows:

    • value is the client side value of the key on the record
    • key is the key which the value is stored under on the record. This is useful when passing the same encoderObject which needs to pivot on what key is being encoded to different calls to encode.
    • builtJSON is the object which is modified by each encoder which will eventually be returned by toJSON. To send the server the encoded value under a different key than the key, modify this object by putting the value under the desired key, and return undefined.
    • record is the record on which toJSON has been called.

    For decode functions:

    • value is the server side value of the key which will end up on the record.
    • key is the key which the value is stored under in the incoming JSON.
    • incomingJSON is the JSON which is being decoded into the record. This can be used to create compound key decoders.
    • outgoingObject is the object which is built up by the decoders and then mixin'd to the record.
    • record is the record on which fromJSON has been called.

    The encode and decode keys can also be false to avoid using the default identity function encoder or decoder.

    Note: Batman.Model subclasses have no encoders by default, except for one which automatically decodes the primaryKey of the model, which is usually id. To get any data into or out of your model, you must white-list the keys you expect from the server or storage attribute.

    test '@encode accepts a list of keys which are used during decoding', ->
      class Shop extends Batman.Model
        @resourceName: 'shop'
        @encode 'name', 'url', 'email', 'country'
      json = {name: "Snowdevil", url: ""}
      record = new Shop()
      equal record.get('name'), "Snowdevil"
    test '@encode accepts a list of keys which are used during encoding', ->
      class Shop extends Batman.Model
        @resourceName: 'shop'
        @encode 'name', 'url', 'email', 'country'
      record = new Shop(name: "Snowdevil", url: "")
      deepEqual record.toJSON(), {name: "Snowdevil", url: ""}
    test '@encode accepts custom encoders', ->
      class Shop extends Batman.Model
        @resourceName: 'shop'
        @encode 'name',
          encode: (name) -> name.toUpperCase()
      record = new Shop(name: "Snowdevil")
      deepEqual record.toJSON(), {name: "SNOWDEVIL"}
    test '@encode accepts custom decoders', ->
      class Shop extends Batman.Model
        @resourceName: 'shop'
        @encode 'name',
          decode: (name) -> name.replace('_', ' ')
      record = new Shop()
      record.fromJSON {name: "Snow_devil"}
      equal record.get('name'), "Snow devil"
    test '@encode can be passed an encoderObject with false to prevent the default encoder or decoder', ->
      class Shop extends Batman.Model
        @resourceName: 'shop'
        @encode 'name', {encode: false, decode: (x) -> x}
        @encode 'url'
      record = new Shop()
      record.fromJSON {name: "Snowdevil", url: ""}
      equal record.get('name'), 'Snowdevil'
      equal record.get('url'), ""
      deepEqual record.toJSON(), {url: ""}, 'The name key is absent because of encode: false'

    Some more handy examples:

    test '@encode can be used to turn comma separated values into arrays', ->
      class Post extends Batman.Model
        @resourceName: 'post'
        @encode 'tags',
          decode: (string) -> string.split(', ')
          encode: (array) -> array.join(', ')
      record = new Post()
      record.fromJSON({tags: 'new, hot, cool'})
      deepEqual record.get('tags'), ['new', 'hot', 'cool']
      deepEqual record.toJSON(), {tags: 'new, hot, cool'}
    test '@encode can be used to turn arrays into sets', ->
      class Post extends Batman.Model
        @resourceName: 'post'
        @encode 'tags',
          decode: (array) -> new Batman.Set(array...)
          encode: (set) -> set.toArray()
      record = new Post()
      record.fromJSON({tags: ['new', 'hot', 'cool']})
      ok record.get('tags') instanceof Batman.Set
      deepEqual record.toJSON(), {tags: ['new', 'hot', 'cool']}
  • @validate(keys...[, options : [Object|Function]])

    Validations allow a model to be marked as valid or invalid based on a set of programmatic rules. By validating a model's data before it gets to the server we can provide immediate feedback to the user about what they have entered and forgo waiting on a round trip to the server. validate allows the attachment of validations to the model on particular keys, where the validation is either a built in one (invoked by use of options to pass to them) or a custom one (invoked by use of a custom function as the second argument).

    Note: Validation in batman.js is always asynchronous, despite the fact that none of the validations may use an asynchronous operation to check for validity. This is so that the API is consistent regardless of the validations used.

    Built in validators are attached by calling @validate with options designating how to calculate the validity of the key:

    test '@validate accepts options to check for validity', ->
      class Post extends Batman.Model
        @resourceName: 'post'
        @validate 'title', 'body', {presence: true}

    The built in validation options are listed below:

    • presence : boolean: Assert that the string value is existent (not undefined or null) and has length greather than 0.
    • numeric : true: Assert that the value is or can be coerced into a number using parseFloat.
    • greaterThan : number: Assert that the value is greater than the given number.
    • greaterThanOrEqualTo : number: Assert that the value is greater than or equal to the given number.
    • equalTo : number: Assert that the value is equal to the given number.
    • lessThan : number: Assert that the value is less than the given number.
    • lessThanOrEqualTo : number: Assert that the value is less than or equal to the given number.
    • minLength : number: Assert that the value's length property is greater than the given number.
    • maxLength : number: Assert that the value's length property is less than the given number.
    • length : number: Assert that the value's length property is exactly the given number.
    • lengthWithin : [number, number] or lengthIn : [number, number]: Assert that the value's length property is within the ranger specified by the given array of two numbers, where the first number is the lower bound and the second number is the upper bound.
    • inclusion : in : [list, of, acceptable, values]: Assert that the value is equal to one of the values in an array.
    • exclusion : in : [list, of, unacceptable, values]: Assert that the value is not equal to any of the values in an array.

    Custom validators should have the signature (errors, record, key, callback). The arguments are as follows:

    • errors: an ErrorsSet instance which expects to have add called on it to add errors to the model
    • record: the record being validated
    • key: the key to which the validation has been attached
    • callback: a function to call once validation has been completed. Calling this function is mandatory.

    See Model::validate for information on how to get a particular record's validity.

  • @loaded : Set

    The loaded set is available on every model class and holds every model instance seen by the system in order to function as an identity map. Successfully loading or saving individual records or batches of records will result in those records being added to the loaded set. Destroying instances will remove records from the identity set.

    test 'the loaded set stores all records seen', ->
      class Post extends Batman.Model
        @resourceName: 'post'
        @persist TestStorageAdapter
        @encode 'name'
      ok Post.get('loaded') instanceof Batman.Set
      equal Post.get('loaded.length'), 0
      post = new Post()
      equal Post.get('loaded.length'), 1
    test 'the loaded adds new records caused by loads and removes records caused by destroys', ->
      class Post extends Batman.Model
        @resourceName: 'post'
        @encode 'name'
      adapter = new TestStorageAdapter(Post) =
          'posts1': {name: "One", id:1}
          'posts2': {name: "Two", id:2}
      equal Post.get('loaded.length'), 2
      post = false
      Post.find(1, (err, result) -> post = result)
      equal Post.get('loaded.length'), 1
  • @all : Set

    The all set is an alias to the loaded set but with an added implicit load on the model. Model.get('all') will synchronously return the loaded set and asynchronously call Model.load() without options to load a batch of records and populate the set originally returned (the loaded set) with the records returned by the server.

    Note: The notion of "all the records" is relative only to the client. It completely depends on the storage adapter in use and any backends which they may contact to determine what comes back during a Model.load. This means that if for example your API paginates records, the set found in all may hold on the first 50 records instead of the entire backend set.

    all is useful for listing every instance of a model in a view, and since the loaded set will change when the load returns, it can be safely bound to.

    asyncTest 'the all set asynchronously fetches records when gotten', ->
      class Post extends Batman.Model
        @resourceName: 'post'
        @encode 'name'
      adapter = new AsyncTestStorageAdapter(Post) =
          'posts1': {name: "One", id:1}
          'posts2': {name: "Two", id:2}
      equal Post.get('all.length'), 0, "The synchronously returned set is empty"
      delay ->
        equal Post.get('all.length'), 2, "After the async load the set is populated"
  • @clear() : Set

    Model.clear() empties that Model's identity map. This is useful for tests and other unnatural situations where records new to the system are guaranteed to be as such.

    test 'clearing a model removes all records from the identity map', ->
      class Post extends Batman.Model
        @resourceName: 'post'
        @encode 'name'
      adapter = new TestStorageAdapter(Post) =
          'posts1': {name: "One", id:1}
          'posts2': {name: "Two", id:2}
      equal Post.get('loaded.length'), 2
      equal Post.get('loaded.length'), 0, "After clear() the loaded set is empty"
  • @find(id, callback : Function) : Model

    Model.find() retrieves a record with the specified id from the storage adapter and calls back with an error if one occurred and the record if the operation was successful. find delegates to the storage adapter the Model has been @persisted with, so it is up to the storage adapter's semantics to determine what type of errors may return and the timeline on which the callback may be called. The callback is a required function which should adopt the node style callback signature which accepts two arguments: an error, and the record asked for. find returns an "unloaded" record which, following the load completion, will be populated with the data from the storage adapter.

    Note: find gives two results to calling code: one immediately, and one later. find returns a record synchronously as it is called and calls back with a record, and importantly these two records are not guaranteed to be the same instance. This is because batman.js maps the identities of incoming and outgoing records such that there is only ever one canonical instance representing a record, which is useful so bindings are always bound to the same thing. In practice, this means that calling code should use the record find calls back with if anything is going to bind to that object, which is most of the time. The returned record however remains useful for state inspection and bookkeeping.

    asyncTest '@find calls back the requested model if no error occurs', ->
      class Post extends Batman.Model
        @resourceName: 'post'
        @encode 'name'
        @persist AsyncTestStorageAdapter,
            'posts2': {name: "Two", id:2}
      post = Post.find 2, (err, result) ->
        throw err if err
        post = result
      equal post.get('name'), undefined
      delay ->
        equal post.get('name'), "Two"

    Note: find must be passed a callback function. This is for two reasons: calling code must be aware that find's return value is not necessarily the canonical instance, and calling code must be able to handle errors.

    asyncTest '@find calls back with the error if an error occurs', ->
      class Post extends Batman.Model
        @resourceName: 'post'
        @encode 'name'
        @persist AsyncTestStorageAdapter
      error = false
      post = Post.find 3, (err, result) ->
        error = err
      delay ->
        ok error instanceof Error
  • @load(options = {}, callback : Function)

    Model.load() retrieves an array of records according to the given options from the storage adapter and calls back with an error if one occurred and the set of records if the operation was successful. load delegates to the storage adapter the Model has been @persisted with, so it is up to the storage adapter's semantics to determine what the options do, what kind of errors may arise, and the timeline on which the callback may be called. The callback is a required function which should adopt the node style callback signature which accepts two arguments, an error, and the array of records. load returns undefined.

    For the two main StorageAdapters batman.js provides, the options do different things:

    • For Batman.LocalStorage, options act as a filter. The adapter will scan all the records in localStorage and return only those records which match all the key/value pairs given in the options.
    • For Batman.RestStorage, options are serialized into query parameters on the GET request.

      asyncTest '@load calls back an array of records retrieved from the storage adapter', -> class Post extends Batman.Model

      @resourceName: 'post'
      @encode 'name'
      @persist TestStorageAdapter,
          'posts1': {name: "One", id:1}
          'posts2': {name: "Two", id:2}

      posts = false Post.load (err, result) ->

      throw err if err
      posts = result

      delay ->

      equal posts.length, 2
      equal posts[0].get('name'), "One"

      asyncTest '@load calls back with an empty array if no records are found', -> class Post extends Batman.Model

      @resourceName: 'post'
      @encode 'name'
      @persist TestStorageAdapter, storage: []

      posts = false Post.load (err, result) ->

      throw err if err
      posts = result

      delay ->

      equal posts.length, 0
  • @create(attributes = {}, callback) : Model

  • @findOrCreate(attributes = {}, callback) : Model

  • id : value

  • dirtyKeys : Set

  • errors : ErrorsSet

  • constructor(idOrAttributes = {}) : Model

  • isNew() : boolean

  • updateAttributes(attributes) : Model

  • toString() : string

  • toJSON() : Object

  • fromJSON() : Model

  • toParam() : value

  • state() : string

  • hasStorage() : boolean

  • load(options = {}, callback)

  • save(options = {}, callback)

  • destroy(options = {}, callback)

  • validate(callback)