
Batman.helpers is a namespace for Batman's helpful string manipulation helpers.

Note: Batman's pluralization functions mirror those of Rails' exactly.

  • @ordinalize(value : [number|string]) : string

    ordinalize converts a given integer into an ordinal string for describing position in a list, like 1st, 2nd, or 20th.

    test 'ordinalize converts numbers to their ordinal form', ->
      equal Batman.helpers.ordinalize(1), "1st"
      equal Batman.helpers.ordinalize("2"), "2nd"
      equal Batman.helpers.ordinalize(1002), "1002nd"
      equal Batman.helpers.ordinalize("1003"), "1003rd"
      equal Batman.helpers.ordinalize(-11), "-11th"
      equal Batman.helpers.ordinalize(-1021), "-1021st"
  • @singularize(pluralString : string) : string

    singularize converts the plural form of a word to a singular form.

    test 'singularize converts plural words to singular words', ->
      equal Batman.helpers.singularize("posts"), "post"
      equal Batman.helpers.singularize("octopi"), "octopus"
      equal Batman.helpers.singularize("sheep"), "sheep"
      equal Batman.helpers.singularize("word"), "word"
      equal Batman.helpers.singularize("CamelOctopi"), "CamelOctopus"
  • @pluralize(singularString : string) : string

    pluralize converts the singular form of a word to the plural form.

    test 'pluralize converts plural words to singular words', ->
      equal Batman.helpers.pluralize("post"), "posts"
      equal Batman.helpers.pluralize("octopus"), "octopi"
      equal Batman.helpers.pluralize("sheep"), "sheep"
      equal Batman.helpers.pluralize("words"), "words"
      equal Batman.helpers.pluralize("CamelOctopus"), "CamelOctopi"
  • @camelize(name [, lowercaseFirstLetter = false]) : string

    camelize converts the passed name to UpperCamelCase. If the second argument is passed as true, then lowerCamelCase is returned.

    test 'camelize returns the CamelCase version of an under_scored word', ->
      equal Batman.helpers.camelize("batman_object"), "BatmanObject"
      equal Batman.helpers.camelize("batman_object", true), "batmanObject"
  • @underscore(string) : string

    underscore returns the underscored version of a CamelCase word.

    test 'underscore converts CamelCase to under_scores', ->
      equal Batman.helpers.underscore("BatmanObject"), "batman_object"
  • @capitalize(string) : string

    capitalize does a word-wise capitalization of a phrase or word.

    test 'capitalize makes the first letter of each word in the string uppercase', ->
      equal Batman.helpers.capitalize("batmanObject"), "BatmanObject"
      equal Batman.helpers.capitalize("batman object"), "Batman Object"
      equal Batman.helpers.capitalize("AlreadyCapitalized"), "AlreadyCapitalized"
  • @trim(string) : string

    trim trims a string getting rid of extra white space around the string or returning an empty string if it is null.

    test 'trim gets rid of space around a string', ->
      equal Batman.helpers.trim("TrimRight "), "TrimRight"
      equal Batman.helpers.trim(" TrimLeft"), "TrimLeft"
      equal Batman.helpers.trim(" TrimBothSides "), "TrimBothSides"
      equal Batman.helpers.trim("AlreadyTrimmed"), "AlreadyTrimmed"
    test 'trim turns a null or undefined string into an empty string', ->
      equal Batman.helpers.trim(null), ""
      equal Batman.helpers.trim(undefined), ""
  • @interpolate(stringOrObject, keys) : string

    interpolate interpolates a string, filling it in with values matching interpolation keys, similar to printf variants.

    test 'interpolate fills in key values globally in a string', ->
      equal Batman.helpers.interpolate("%{field} must be at least %{count} characters in order for %{field} to be valid", count: "3", field: "name"), "name must be at least 3 characters in order for name to be valid"
    test 'interpolate fills in key values globally in an object-embedded string', ->
      equal Batman.helpers.interpolate({'other': "%{field} must be at least %{count} characters in order for %{field} to be valid"}, count: "3", field: "name"), "name must be at least 3 characters in order for name to be valid"
    test 'interpolate fills in key values globally in an object-embedded string, embedded by key count', ->
      equal Batman.helpers.interpolate({3: "%{field} must be at least %{count} characters in order for %{field} to be valid"}, count: "3", field: "name"), "name must be at least 3 characters in order for name to be valid"
  • @humanize(string) : string

    humanize reformats a string that has a programmatic meaning (camelcased, underscored, "_id" suffixed) to make human-readable by separating concatenated words and/or getting rid of the "_id" suffix.

    test 'humanize replaces underscores and dashes with empty space', ->
      equal Batman.helpers.humanize('underscored_string'), 'Underscored string'
      equal Batman.helpers.humanize('dash-separated-string'), 'Dash separated string'
    test 'humanize splits camel cased words by empty space', ->
      equal Batman.helpers.humanize('CamelCasedString'), 'Camel cased string'
    test 'humanize title-cases the first word', ->
      equal Batman.helpers.humanize('lower case sentence'), 'Lower case sentence'
    test 'humanize lower-cases all words after the first one', ->
      equal Batman.helpers.humanize('Mixed Case SENTENCE'), 'Mixed case sentence'
    test 'humanize gets rid of _id suffix', ->
      equal Batman.helpers.humanize('identifying_string_id'), 'Identifying string'