
Batman includes a number of useful, general purpose helper functions and references. They can all be found attached to the Batman object and can optionally be exported into the global namespace with a $ prefix.

  • container

    Batman.container points to either the window object if running in the browser, or the global object if running in node. This is useful if you want to add something to the global scope in all environments.

  • @typeOf(object) : string

    typeOf determines a more specific type of an object than the native typeof operator in JavaScript. This is useful for a number of situations like dealing with Object promoted strings and numbers, or arrays which look like objects to typeof. Use typeOf when you need more than "object" from typeof.

    Note: typeOf is substantially slower than typeof. typeOf works in a somewhat hackish manner by getting the Object::toString representation of the object and slicing it to retrieve the name of the constructor.

    test 'typeOf returns "String" for both strings and Object strings', ->
      primitive = "test"
      objectified = new String("test")
      equal typeof primitive, "string"
      equal typeof objectified, "object"
      equal Batman.typeOf(primitive), "String"
      equal Batman.typeOf(objectified), "String"
    test 'typeOf returns Array for arrays', ->
      array = [];
      equal typeof array, "object"
      equal Batman.typeOf(array), "Array"
  • @mixin(subject, objects...) : subject

    mixin, occasionally known elsewhere as extend or merge, flattens a series of objects onto the subject. Key/value pairs on objects passed as later arguments (arguments with a higher index) take precedence over earlier arguments. Returns the subject passed in with the new values.

    mixin also has special properties that make it different than the canonical extend functions:

    1. If the subject has a set function, subject.set(key, value) will be used to apply keys instead of subject[key] = value. This means that if the subject is a Batman.Object, observers and thus bindings on the object will be notified when other (Batmanified or not) objects are mixed into it.
    2. If a mixed-in object has an initialize function defined, that function will be called and passed the subject. This is useful for custom extension logic, similar to self.included in Ruby. For this reason, the keys initialize and uninitialize are skipped by mixin.
    3. mixin only iterates over keys for which the hasOwnProperty test passes.

    Note: mixin is destructive to (only) the first argument. If you need a non-destructive version of mixin, just pass an empty object as the first object, and all keys from the successive arguments will be applied to the empty object.

    test 'mixin merges argument objects', ->
      subject = {}
      deepEqual Batman.mixin(subject, {fit: true}, {fly: true}, {funky: true}), {fit: true, fly: true, funky: true}, "mixin returns the subject"
      deepEqual subject, {fit: true, fly: true, funky: true}, "the subject is modified destructively"
    test 'mixin merges argument objects', ->
      unmodified = {fit: true}
      deepEqual Batman.mixin({}, unmodified, {fly: true}, {funky: true}), {fit: true, fly: true, funky: true}, "mixin returns the subject"
      deepEqual unmodified, {fit: true}, "argument objects are untouched allowing non-destructive merge"
    test 'mixed in objects passed as higher indexed arguments take precedence', ->
      subject = {}
      deepEqual Batman.mixin(subject, {x: 1, y: 1}, {x: 2}), {x: 2, y: 1}
  • @unmixin(subject, objects...) : subject

    unmixin "unmerges" the passed objects from the subject. If a key exists on any of the objects it will be deleted from the subject. Returns the subject.

    unmixin, similar to mixin, supports calling an uninitialize function for each of the objects being unmixed in. If an uninitialize function exists on each

    test 'unmixin removes keys found on the unmixined objects on the subject', ->
      subject = {fit: true, fly: true, funky: true}
      deepEqual Batman.unmixin(subject, {fit: true}, {fly: true}), {funky: true}, "unmixin returns the subject"
      deepEqual subject, {funky: true}, "the subject is destructively modified."
  • @functionName(function) : string

    functionName returns the name of a given function, if any. Works with Internet Explorer 7/8/9, FireFox, Chrome, and Safari.

    test 'functionName returns the name of a given function', ->
      equal Batman.functionName("".toString), 'toString'
  • @isChildOf(parent : HTMLElement, child : HTMLElement) : boolean

    isChildOf is a simple DOM helper which returns a boolean describing if the passed child node can be found in the descendants of the passed parent node.

  • @setImmediate(callback : Function) : object

    setImmediate (and its sister clearImmediate) are a more efficient version of setTimeout(callback, 0). Due to timer resolution issues, setTimeout passed a timeout of 0 doesn't actually execute the function as soon as the JS execution stack has been emptied, but at minimum 4ms and maxmium 25ms after. For this reason Batman provides a cross browser implementation of setImmediate which does its best to call the callback immediately after the stack empties. Batman's setImmediate polyfill uses the native version if available, window.postmessage trickery if supported, and falls back on setTimeout(->, 0).

    setImmediate returns a handle which can be passed to clearImmediate to cancel the future calling of the callback.

  • @clearImmediate(handle)

    clearImmediate stops the calling of a callback in the future when passed its handle (which is returned from the setImmediate call used to enqueue it).

  • @forEach(iterable : object, iterator : Function[, context : Object])

    The forEach Batman helper is a universal iteration helper. When passed an iterable object, the helper will call the iterator (optionally in the context) for each item in the iterable. The iterable can be:

    1. something which has its own forEach, in which case the iterator will just be passed to iterable.forEach.
    2. an array like object, in which case a JavaScript for(;;) loop will be used to iterate over each entry
    3. or an object, in which case a JavaScript for-in loop will be used to iterate over each entry.

    The forEach helper is useful for iterating over objects when the type of those objects isn't guaranteed.

    test 'forEach iterates over objects with forEach defined', ->
      results = []
      set = new Batman.SimpleSet('a')
      Batman.forEach(set, (x) -> results.push(x))
      deepEqual results, ['a']
    test 'forEach iterates over array like objects', ->
      results = []
      ArrayLike = ->
      ArrayLike:: = []
      imitation = new ArrayLike, "a"), "b")
      Batman.forEach(imitation, (x) -> results.push(x))
      deepEqual results, ['a', 'b']
    test 'forEach iterates over objects', ->
      result = {}
      object = {x: true}
      Batman.forEach(object, (key, val) -> result[key] = val)
      deepEqual result, object
  • @objectHasKey(object, key) : boolean

    objectHasKey returns a boolean describing the presence of the key in the passed object. objectHasKey delegates to the object's hasKey function if present, and otherwise just does a check using the JavaScript in operator.

    test 'objectHasKey verifies if a key is present in an object', ->
      subject = {fit: true}
      ok Batman.objectHasKey(subject, 'fit')
      equal Batman.objectHasKey(subject, 'flirty'), false
    test 'objectHasKey verifies if a key is present in an object with `hasKey` defined', ->
      subject = new Batman.SimpleHash {fit: true}
      ok Batman.objectHasKey(subject, 'fit')
      equal Batman.objectHasKey(subject, 'flirty'), false
  • @contains(object, item) : boolean

    contains returns a boolean describing if the given object has member item. Membership in this context is defined as:

    • the result of object.has(item) if the object has a has function defined
    • the result of item in object if the object is arraylike
    • the result of the Batman.objectHasKey otherwise

    Note: When passed an object without a has function, contains will return true if the object has item as a key, not as a value at any key.

    contains is useful for checking item membership when the type of the object can't be relied on.

  • @get(object, key) : value

    get is a general purpose function for retrieving the value from a key on an object of an indeterminate type. This is useful if code needs to work with both Batman.Objects and Plain Old JavaScript Objects. get has the following semantics:

    • if the object has a get function defined, return the result of object.get(key)
    • if the object does not have a get function defined, use an ephemeral Batman.Property to retrieve the key. This is equivalent to object[key] for single segment keys, but if the key is multi-segment (example: ''), get will do nested gets until the either undefined or the end of the keypath is reached.

      test 'get returns the value at a key on a POJO', -> subject = {fit: true} equal Batman.get(subject, 'fit'), true equal Batman.get(subject, 'flirty'), undefined

      test 'get returns the value at a key on a Batman.Object', -> subject = Batman {fit: true} equal Batman.get(subject, 'fit'), true equal Batman.get(subject, 'flirty'), undefined

      test 'get returns the value at a deep key on a POJO', -> subject = {customer: {name: "Joe"}} equal Batman.get(subject, ''), "Joe" equal Batman.get(subject, 'customer.age'), undefined

      test 'get returns the value at a deep key on a Batman.Object', -> subject = Batman {customer: {name: "Joe"}} equal Batman.get(subject, ''), "Joe" equal Batman.get(subject, 'customer.age'), undefined

  • @getPath(base, segments) : string

    getPath returns the hash value denoted by the specified path, which consists of an array of nested hash keys. See examples below for more detail.

    test "takes a base and an array of keys and returns the corresponding nested value", ->
      @complexObject = new Batman.Object
        hash: new Batman.Hash
          foo: new Batman.Object(bar: 'nested value'),
          "": 'flat value'
      equal Batman.getPath(@complexObject, ['hash', 'foo', 'bar']), 'nested value'
      equal Batman.getPath(@complexObject, ['hash', '']), 'flat value'
      strictEqual Batman.getPath(@complexObject, ['hash', 'not-foo', 'bar']), undefined
    test "returns just the base if the key array is empty", ->
      @complexObject = new Batman.Object
        hash: new Batman.Hash
          foo: new Batman.Object(bar: 'nested value'),
          "": 'flat value'
      strictEqual Batman.getPath(@complexObject, []), @complexObject
      strictEqual Batman.getPath(null, []), null
    test "returns undefined if the base is null-ish", ->
      @complexObject = new Batman.Object
        hash: new Batman.Hash
          foo: new Batman.Object(bar: 'nested value'),
          "": 'flat value'
      strictEqual Batman.getPath(null, ['foo']), undefined
      strictEqual Batman.getPath(undefined, ['foo']), undefined
    test "returns falsy values", ->
      @complexObject = new Batman.Object
        hash: new Batman.Hash
          foo: new Batman.Object(bar: 'nested value'),
          "": 'flat value'
      strictEqual Batman.getPath(num: 0, ['num']), 0
      strictEqual Batman.getPath(thing: null, ['thing']), null
  • @escapeHTML(input) : string

    escapeHTML takes a string of unknown origin and makes it safe for display on a web page by encoding control characters in HTML into their HTML entities.

    Warning: Do not rely on escapeHTML to purge unsafe data from user submitted content. While escapeHTML is applied to every binding's contents by default, it should not be your only line of defence against script injection attacks.

    test 'escapeHTML encodes special characters into HTML entities', ->
      equal Batman.escapeHTML("& < > \" '"), "&amp; &lt; &gt; &#34; &#39;"